Multimedia Presentation: Grades 5-8

Teacher Name: resnick/pala

Student Name:_____________________________    Reviewer Name: ___________________________

Date: _________________

Project: example


Resources I used a variety of resources.
  I used resources that showed different perspectives.
  I used resources that were reliable and credible.
  I used up-to-date resources.
  I used electronic resources (Internet, CD-ROM).
  I used print resources (textbooks, books, magazines, newspapers).
  I used reference material (dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia).
  I used documentaries or news interviews.
  I used portions of films or television shows.
  I used materials in accordance with copyright.
  I cited my resources.

Preparation I planned my time wisely to assure access to needed materials.
  I prepared a clear topic and subtopics to cover.
  I thought about questions I needed to answer in my presentation.
  I thought about things I wanted to find for my presentation.
  I used feedback from others to refine my topic, subtopic, and details.
  I thought about what materials and equipment I would need for the presentation.
  I made a timeline of when major parts of the presentation would be done.

Media Use I used video clips in my presentation.
  I used photographs in my presentation.
  I used original art and effects in my presentation.
  I used voice-overs or sounds to enhance the presentation.
  The media I chose is related to the content of the presentation.
  I used media in accordance with copyright.
  I cited media in the required format.
  My media does not distract the user.
  Media is balanced appropriately with text.

Organization I made an outline or storyboard to organize my thoughts and ideas.
  My presentation was a clear explanation of a topic.
  My presentation was persuasive in presenting a point of view.
  My presentation had a clear answer to a research question.
  I organized my thoughts and ideas in a meaningful way.
  My organization was easy for others to follow.
  I included a meaningful title slide.
  I included an introduction or Table of Contents.
  I included a date and author slide.
  I included slides to support my main points and subpoints.
  I included a conclusion slide.
  I used a Bibliography or Resources Used slide.

Navigation Users can find their way easily through my project.
  Users can backtrack or stop the presentation if they desire.
  The navigation tools are easy to see and click on.
  The navigation tools are labeled when necessary.
  The navigation tools lead to logical (expected) destinations.
  The navigation tools work.
  Users can turn off sound or music if they desire.

Appearance Text areas and graphic areas are balanced.
  The words on the slides are easy to read.
  The words on the slides are spelled correctly.
  The graphics on the slides are easy to see.
  The background does not compete with the text or graphics.
  The colors and patterns on my slides look good together.
  The slides seem to go together when you move from one to the next.
  Titles and headings are easy to distinguish from other text.
  Sounds and music are easy to hear.
  There is enough time to read and see everything on each slide.
  The transitions do not distract or bore the user.
  There is not too much or too little time between slides.

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