Multimedia Presentation: Grades 9-12

Teacher Name: Martig

Student Name:_____________________________    Reviewer Name: ___________________________

Date: _________________

Project: Surviving the Great Depression


Media Use I used original art, animations or photographs.
  I used voice-overs.
  I used art, animations, or photographs made by others.
  I used music or sound effects made by others.
  I cited all resources I include that were made by others.
  I used media in accordance with copyright.
  I used media ethically and appropriately.
  My media helps the user understand my topic better.
  My media makes my presentation more interesting.

Appearance I balanced design aspects with content.
  I used only a few fonts.
  I used my fonts in a consistent manner.
  Titles and headings are easy to distinguish from other text.
  The words on my slides are easy to read.
  The words on my slides are spelled correctly.
  The text areas and graphic areas appear balanced.
  The graphics are easy to see.
  Graphics are clear and not pixellated.
  My background is not distracting.
  The colors on my slides look good together.
  The slides appear to go together; they make a cohesive whole.
  Sounds and music are easy to hear.
  Transitions are not distracting or boring.
  There is not too much time or too little time between slides.
  The slides look neat and use white space well.

Preparation I planned my time wisely to assure access to needed materials.
  I made a timeline of when key components needed to be done.
  I made an outline or storyboard to organize my thoughts and ideas.
  I decided on a topic and several subtopics.
  I brainstormed questions that needed to be answered about the topic.
  I brainstormed details that would help support my ideas.
  I used feedback from others to refine my topic and questions.

Resources I used a variety of resources when collecting information.
  I consulted resources that showed different perspectives on the topic.
  I used material in accordance with copyright.
  I used resources ethically and appropriately.
  I cited my resources.

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